Sunday, January 12, 2014


Little M&M is 22 months old

Discovery Bucket

For this week's color unit I used a bright yellow bucket, and filled it with various yellow things from around the house. I sat down with Little M&M while he explored it, and we talked about what everything was. I answered each "what's this?" descriptively with the word yellow before it. "That's a yellow bus." "That's a yellow car." "That piggy is wearing yellow clothes." Etc.

Silly boy!


He returned to this often throughout the week.

Yellow Coloring Page

I printed off a coloring page of a duck for him and supplied him with a yellow dot marker, regular marker and crayon. He enjoyed the variety of medium and was sure to color the eye!

Paper Plate Sunshine Craft

We made a simple sunshine this week using paper plates. Honey Pot joined us!

Once the plates dried, we taped on strips of yellow paper as rays. Honey Pot enjoyed using tape instead of the usual glue.


Pom Pom Sorting

We like to do one activity in which we review each of the colors we've learned so far. So this week we did so with pom pom sorting! I decided to use our new cookie cutters, which Santa bought them for use with playdoh and cookies. But these worked perfectly for this game too! He began by using a pretend spoon, then just used his hands. He did incredibly well! As he picked up each one, we said what color it was.

He even wanted to play again later!

"Hot cereal."

Aaaand then he wanted to play a third time. So proud of him!

Which is Yellow? Game

Later I collected groups of three objects and asked him to identify the yellow one.

We were in Honey Pot's room...

He did great!

Yellow Bath

I don't have pictures, but we concluded our unit with a bath tablet again this week! The kids love these!

Bonus Question!

How many times did you spot Bubble Puppy in this post?? It's Little M&M's new lovey. Neither of my kids had ever had one before. Thanks, Santa. He's so cute with it.

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